Luba Kifwebe African Mask Congo
Luba Kifwebe African Mask Congo
Geography: Democratic Republic of Congo
Culture: Luba people
Material: Wood
Dimensions: width: 19cm
Classification: Wood-Sculpture
- Shape: Typically, Kifwebe masks are oval or round in shape.
- Design: They often feature a combination of linear and circular patterns carved into
the mask, creating a striking texture and appearance.
- Color: Commonly, these masks have contrasting colors, such as black, white, and red,
which are used to accentuate the patterns.
- Eyes: The eyes are usually deeply set and can be round or almond-shaped.
- Mouth: The mouth is often prominent, either in a rectangular or oval shape,
sometimes with an open design.
Cultural Significance:
- Usage: Kifwebe masks are used by the Bwadi Bwa Kifwebe secret society among the
Songye and Luba people. They are worn during initiation ceremonies, funerals, and
other significant events.
- Symbolism: The masks represent different aspects of the society's mythology and are
believed to have spiritual power. They can symbolize either male or female forces, with male masks typically being more aggressive in design and used to enforce social
norms, while female masks are more serene and used for healing and fertility rituals.